Thursday, July 24, 2008
Feel Giddy After 20 Mins Of Treadmill
Red Dragon: seal No. 1. keyword: Nurture, Being, Birth. In Mayan: IMIX. Create, Source of Life, Source of all, the earth in abundance, The creative principle, Sex Symbol, many children. Provider of abundance and wealth. Energy mother. Blood. Milk. Power of birth. Represents the beginning, the beginning of creation. Nutrition and essence.
White Wind: seal No. 2. Keywords: communication. Breath. Spirit. In Maya: IK. Communicates the spirit. Symbol of the soul, culture and art. Sage. The magician. Sign of detachment and freedom, honesty, honor, Breath of Life. Regenerate and clean. Cosmic energy. Lung. Respiratory system. Represents the communication of the spirit, breath and cosmic energy and inspiration.
Night Blue: seal No. 3. Keywords: dream. Intuition. Abundance. N Maya: AKBAL. Dreams of wealth, introspection. Where the sun sets. God guard. The moon. Dark. In women representing the vagina. Mysterious place. Heart and internal organs. Represents the interior. Dreams of wealth, introspection and intuition.
Yellow Seed: No. 4 mark. Keywords: focus. Perception. Flowering. In Maya: KAN. Creative power. Wisdom. Maturities. Virility. Genitals. Placer. Semen as a source of life. Power of growth. Love of nature. Generate energy. Sex. Reproduction. Represents the flowering. Wisdom, maturity, reproduction.
Red Snake: Seal 5: Key words: survival. Instinct. Life force. In Maya: Serpent. Generate force. Happiness. Prosperity. Not left to enslave. Good humor. Lucky sign. Analytical. Right. Good health. Nervous system. Representing sex, life force, and is generating its own power.
Linker White worlds: Seal 6: keywords: match. Opportunity and Death 8 ยบ transformation). In Maya: CIMI. Death of the ego. Transmutation. Communication bridge between two worlds, two dimensions. Awareness of the here and now and the future. Rebirth, regeneration. Understanding the physical body's death. Alchemy. Reprsenta subtle transformation, transmutation, the point of communication between two worlds, death.
Hand Blue: Seal # 7: Key words: knowledge. Cura and Production. In Maya: MANIX. Work. Auto Cure and cure. Bliss. Nobility. Sensitivity. Fear. Concern. Attention and constant tension. Understanding. Knowledge complete power. Be responsible. Cure. Realising. Altruism. Helpful. Represents the realization, healing work in all directions, at all levels, apart from the self-healing.
Yellow Star: seal No. 8: Key words: Beautify. Art. Elegance. In Maya: LAMAT. Harmony. Balance. Elegance and beauty. Venus the goddess of love. Joy, vitality. Prosperous. Fortunate. Aware of its goal, the light of love, art. Understanding of the higher life. Represents the balance, art, harmony, beauty and elegance. Crescent
: seal No. 9: Keywords: Purify. Flow. Universal water. In Maya: Muluc. Purification of the spirit. Goddess of water, rain. Family. Feelings. Emotions. Sensitivity. Vulnerability. Intuition. Communication and expansion of the higher life. Which gives rise to the seed. Represents the universal water, purification, the beginning of communication and expansion of the higher life. Dog
White label 10: Keywords: Amar. Loyalty. Heart. In Maya: OC. God of fire. Food. Drink. Abundance. Nobility. Loyalty. Loyalty. Unconditional Love. Defense. Protection. Manso. Valiente. Requires integrity. It represents love, loyalty, integrity, honesty, security and calm.
Blue Monkey: seal No. 11: Key words: Play. Illusion. Magic. In Maya: CHUEN. Magic of knowledge. Playful. Imitator. Math. Smart. Scientific. Artist. Craftsman. Skill. Play with the magic because they have the knowledge. Principle of co-creation with the higher life. Represents knowledge, magic, intelligence, and skill. Human
Yellow: seal 12: Keywords: Influence. Wisdom. Free will. In Maya: EB. Free will. Sign of aging. Human limitations. Insecurity. Suspicion. Sorry. Recipient of the higher mind. Represents the free will or free will (and co-creator) and recipient of the higher mind.
Red Skywalker: seal No. 13: Keywords: Explore. Surveillance. Space. In Maya: BEN. Seeker of truth. Way. Ligations between heaven and earth. Universal connection. Space explorer. Love of adventure, illusions, lies. Glider. Loitering. Are easily excited. Represents the eternal search, pillar between heaven and earth. Makes universal connection.
White Mage: seal No. 14: Keywords: Enchant. Receptivity. Timelessness. In Maya: IX. Truth. Timelessness. Here and now. Sorcerer. Fearful. Stealth. Guerrero. Hunter. Free. Big power potential. Love the here and now, today. Constructive energy. High level of individual consciousness. Visionary. Gets magical powers. Represents timelessness. The here and now, the truth of time, also working with its charm.
Blue Eagle: seal No. 15: Keywords: Create. Mind. Vision. In Maya: MEN. Broad vision. Clairvoyance. It represents the sun of the warriors. Valiente. Bold. Superb. Solitaire. Braggart. Careful. Collective higher mind. Planetary consciousness. Represents the view of the essence of things. Create superior collective mind. Guerrero
Yellow: seal 16: Keywords: question. Fearlessness. Intelligence. In Maya: CIB. Harmonises the masses through intelligence. Cosmic force. Ability to contact the Galactic consciousness. Long life. Prosperity. Joy. Orderly and planned life. Discipline. Arrogance. Shining at maturity. Represents intelligence, cunning. Question a lot and harmonizes the masses. Many cosmic force.
Red Earth: seal 17: Keywords: evolution. Synchronicity. Navigation. In Maya: CABAN. Evolution. Movement. Navigation. Very active, energetic. Agitation. Development. Synchronicity. Earth Force. Represents the navigation, movement, evolution. Very active, energetic in sync.
Mirror White label 18: Keywords: Mirror. Order. Infinity. In Maya: Eznab. Reflect the divine perfection. Self-sacrifice of the ego to consciousness. If true. Value. Waiver. Confrontation. Internal struggle. Combative. Persevering. Reflects light. Represents the infinite, we need to auto generate light, to reflect the divine perfection. Blue Storm
: seal No. 19: Keywords: Catalyzing. Energy. Self-generation. In Maya: Cauac. Transformation. Rain god. Uncertain fate. Changes. Moody. Alegre. Contagious. Represents the transformation of all physical changes. It has the power to regenerate.
Yellow Sun: seal No. 20: Keywords: Lighting. Life. Universal fire. In Maya: AHAU. Lighting. The essence of everything. Love of Life. Vitality. Ease. Master. Commands. Spirituality. Da Luz. Dignity. Beauty. Art. Nobility. Wisdom. Knowledge. Skill. Power control. Represents the universal fire. The lighting, the essence of everything and expertise.
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