All in a Red Planet
Art Planet Art Network
BIOREGION MONKEY - 2013 timeship
Yellow Cosmic Seed
Planetary Welcome Kines. This newsletter focuses on new advances publish nodes of the Bioregion of the Monkey. It is called Crystal that is the tone of Cooperation tone Wavespell 12 of fractal time. Tone Restoration Cooperation Biosphere through the development of planetary consciousness attainable by changing the 13 Moon Calendar Natural 28 days. Every 13 days, in various parts of the world, many kin perform what has been called Crystal Cortes, synchronous boards dedicated to Earth and evaluation of activities according to the goal of World Peace Movement Calendar Change 13 Moons. Crystal Bulletin also serves as the constant and effective communication between nodes and mobile space to express and learn about the last thing is happening on the Planet Art Network.
WAVESPELL MONKEY. Goal or purpose of the Monkey's Play Magic and Illusion, here we are in the fullness Mystic, the time of no time is the model as Artistic Vision is the dominant artistic vision that transcends states and social principle, We arrived at Mystic Center, where without being reflected, reflects all the Mono check the accuracy of the Cycles of Time, here we are going through the Navel of Heaven, the Birth of Buddha and Enlightenment Ethics Valum Votan, Buddha means the Awakened , we must be awake, Buddha means the Enlightened Mind if we are awake and alert, the mind is enlightened, this potential for enlightenment is in all things. Chuen-Mono is the Magic without Borders, is the dimension door, its tail to move ever could predict the Order of the Universe, God is the Artisan Chuen, the God of Scripture, where Knowledge in the Magic Begins us breaking structures we must overcome our limitations to achieve freedom, let us note that this Wavespell 13 Days begins with a purifying process, to dedicate and cooperate with us, to liberate even a defiance of human weakness, this will allow us to purify Mirror memory and Love from the Energy Centre, where we will feel that life is a simple game and magic to make the mandate to Grow with clarity, where this goal we are asked to be free from all conceptualization, wherever it is applied the Law of Time Aware always does what unconscious. When we become aware of Art and Harmony of Thought, together with the Source of Knowledge, our magnetic field to transcend potentiates Unconditional Love. Patience, Peace-Science, we started, refined and mature, integrated to the Divine Order. The Universe is Mind, Buddha is Mind, the fundamental quality of time is Mental.
When assembled forces of the old order by old-time instruments can not stop the advance of global anarchy values \u200b\u200band social systems, it is necessary to establish human radical new models of social reconstruction and regeneration of the biosphere. To be successful, such models should revolve around new standards of time represented by the Peace Calendar Moon/28-day Thirteen. Recognizing that this schedule is itself a fact of nature and function of the Law of Time, The Planet Art Network (PAN) is a new model for the benefit and social reconstruction of all humanity and the regeneration of the biosphere . Planetary Art Network supports and promotes the goals of the Global Peace Plan by Change the Thirteen Moon Calendar as a series of long-term visions, understanding, humanity will attend in his attempt to reach a state of harmony for the road to 2012. Under this consideration, the Planet Art Network extends to all sectors of humanity, regardless of race, color, creed, ideology or economic levels, understanding that all human beings possess a spiritual equal and are synchronized by the same time universal. Striving to develop the most compassionate goals for a universal understanding of the truth, the Planet Art Network is ready to establish a whole new era in the history of mankind - the arrival of the noosphere. The universal truth that the Red Planet Art adheres is the Law of Time - T (E) = Art, energy factored by time equals art. This formulation of principles, which has always existed in nature, has a single purpose: to raise awareness that has not been conscious to bring an unprecedented alignment of global humanity with itself and with the natural order. Realizing that the instrument to bring the beginning of this major evolutionary shift is Moon/28-day Thirteen Calendar, Planet Art Network is dedicated to the Great Calendar Change of 2004, as projected in all possible ways for new programs that will bring the First World Peace, 2004-2012. Anyone or any group of people who understand and follow the premise and purpose of the Thirteen Moon/28-day Calendar or any of the tools and literature related to Thirteen Moon/28-day Calendar or Time Act shall take responsibility to establish a Node RAP - a branch of the Red Planet Art - or join an existing one. Belong to the RAP is voluntary and all its activities are independent. RAP Each node is responsible for its maintenance system and is self-governed by a council. RAP for a node is considered active, at least 7 members must meet at least once every thirteen days. The day is recommended for meetings Day Crystal (Tone 12, Wavespell) to review past actions and consider the future. The meetings are convened when necessary. Each node will assume its own meeting format. The local RAP nodes are also organized by the Council RAP. RAP is something that is evolving and renewing itself. It is our future. Planet Art Network is sponsored by the Foundation for the Law of Time, a non-centralized, charitable, scientific, literary and educational for the study and promotion of the Law of Time, based on the calendar Lunas/28días Thirteen, and World Peace Plan for Change Calendar Moon/28-day Thirteen. To achieve all goals and future strategies of the Planet Art Network, the Foundation needs your support.
Principles and Operating Procedures Planet Art Network (PAN)
Dear Kin Planetarium:
The purpose of the schedule change is to bring harmony to the planet. Crystal Day is the day of each wave delighted when they plan to meet as planetary kin committed to changing the calendar. To understand that harmony is the same day glazing should be based on a model of harmony, to agree with the calendar change. When you attend a meeting of Glass has agreed to join the calendar change movement. As planetary kin respect Kin Law, which states that equality in all kin have equal power and place, all kin loyalty accepts its galactic signature as his new identity, and autonomy, each planetary kin are entirely responsible for his own mind and actions . When you enter a meeting of glass should be aware of leaving the past behind. Use your galactic signature as your name, recognizes the synchronic order of the day and agree that the facilitator of the day crystal is a member of the family that day ground glass. The principle of governance within the glass meeting is to agree to agree and work together to resolve any misunderstanding. Keeping the goal of calendar change, we are simply trying to support each other and to avoid duplication of efforts. In other words, there is much work to do with each kin maintaining the same potential to do a good job. As planetary kin all need to be recognized, loved and loving others. It's a good idea to listen first before speaking. Since there is no absolutely required for a crystal day meeting invite to a variety of PAN nodes. Personality conflicts drained the whole and leaves no room for growth. Creativity is the key. Our focus should be outward to those who have not heard about the calendar change. If you're in a group where you can not get to agree separate you should choose and form a new node PAN. In light of these principles is good to keep your node PAN small enough to facilitate good communication. A recommended amount for a meeting 13 or 20 glass is kin to commit to go every day glass. Once your PAN node is functioning properly, the next step is to replicate the process to form new nodes. PAN visualize a node in each neighborhood. If you learned about the calendar change feel confident that you can teach others what you know. The time for big celebrations PAN are the solstice, the equinox and the Day Out of Time. This is the time to capture much attention to the peace movement by connecting to the media, local government and diverse groups committed to peace. The Foundation for the Law of Time and is the global coordinating body to synchronize all nodes in a PAN Peace Movement Calendar Change coherent. As the center of the mandala, the Foundation depends on your feedback to be effective. PAN node are forming councils to ensure that education is organized according to the synchronic order. Only through sharing and cooperation can break the spell Gregorian competition. Banner
Symbol Of Peace
The sign of the triad can be found worldwide with a variety of meanings. Some interpret it as a symbol past, present and future, surrounded by the circle of Eternity, others believe that refers to religion, science and art, grouped in the circle of Culture. But whatever the interpretation, the sign itself has some universal characteristics are broadly representative. The oldest of Indian symbols, Chintamani, the sign of happiness, consists of this symbol and you can find in the Temple of Heaven in Beijing. Appears in the Three Treasures of Tibet, on the breastplate of Christ in the famous painting by Memling, in Our Lady of Strasbourg, on the shields of the Crusaders and coat of arms of the Templars. It can be seen in the leaves of the famous Caucasian swords known as "Gurda." Appears as a symbol in a variety of philosophical systems. Can be found in the images of Gessar Jyepo Khan and Rigden, in the "Tamga" Tamerlane and the coat of arms of the Popes. It can be seen in the works of the ancient English painters and of Titian, in the ancient icon of St. Nicholas in Bari and in that of St. Sergius and the Holy Trinity. Can be found on the coat of arms of the city of Samarkand, Ethiopian and Coptic antiquities in the mountains of Mongolia, on Tibetan rings, ornaments on the breastplates of Lahul, Ladakh and in all countries of the Himalayas, and Neolithic pottery. It is striking about the banners Buddhists. The same sign is printed in Mongolian horses. Nothing, then, might be more appropriate to unite all the races that this symbol, which is not mere decoration but a sign that bears a great significance. Has existed for indefinite periods and can be found throughout the world. Therefore nobody can pretend that belong to any sect, denomination or tradition, represents the evolution of consciousness in all its varied facets. When it comes to defending the world's treasures, you could not pick a better symbol, since it is universal, dating indecipherable, and carries a meaning that must echo in every heart.
"Where there is peace there is culture - where there is culture, there is Peace."
- Nicholas Roerich (1874-1947)
Node Mazatlan Cosmic Serpent
Node Banderas Bay, Jalisco Resonant Serpent @ chasobel
Node 13 Moon Cosmic Sun Monterrey Cancun Mayapán
Node Earth Toned
Atlixco Night Auto Existing Node Cabo San Lucas
Aguila Node Lunar Node
Tulum airemojado Cosmic Storm @
Mayapán Maya RAPcancun Mayapán Red Planet Art And AC
Palenque Av. Efrain Calderon Lara No. 25 Sm 26 Mz 37 Colonia Centro, Cancun, Qroo, Mexico 77500 Tel (998) 884 3953,,
BIOREGION MONKEY - 2013 timeship
Yellow Cosmic Seed
Planetary Welcome Kines. This newsletter focuses on new advances publish nodes of the Bioregion of the Monkey. It is called Crystal that is the tone of Cooperation tone Wavespell 12 of fractal time. Tone Restoration Cooperation Biosphere through the development of planetary consciousness attainable by changing the 13 Moon Calendar Natural 28 days. Every 13 days, in various parts of the world, many kin perform what has been called Crystal Cortes, synchronous boards dedicated to Earth and evaluation of activities according to the goal of World Peace Movement Calendar Change 13 Moons. Crystal Bulletin also serves as the constant and effective communication between nodes and mobile space to express and learn about the last thing is happening on the Planet Art Network.
WAVESPELL MONKEY. Goal or purpose of the Monkey's Play Magic and Illusion, here we are in the fullness Mystic, the time of no time is the model as Artistic Vision is the dominant artistic vision that transcends states and social principle, We arrived at Mystic Center, where without being reflected, reflects all the Mono check the accuracy of the Cycles of Time, here we are going through the Navel of Heaven, the Birth of Buddha and Enlightenment Ethics Valum Votan, Buddha means the Awakened , we must be awake, Buddha means the Enlightened Mind if we are awake and alert, the mind is enlightened, this potential for enlightenment is in all things. Chuen-Mono is the Magic without Borders, is the dimension door, its tail to move ever could predict the Order of the Universe, God is the Artisan Chuen, the God of Scripture, where Knowledge in the Magic Begins us breaking structures we must overcome our limitations to achieve freedom, let us note that this Wavespell 13 Days begins with a purifying process, to dedicate and cooperate with us, to liberate even a defiance of human weakness, this will allow us to purify Mirror memory and Love from the Energy Centre, where we will feel that life is a simple game and magic to make the mandate to Grow with clarity, where this goal we are asked to be free from all conceptualization, wherever it is applied the Law of Time Aware always does what unconscious. When we become aware of Art and Harmony of Thought, together with the Source of Knowledge, our magnetic field to transcend potentiates Unconditional Love. Patience, Peace-Science, we started, refined and mature, integrated to the Divine Order. The Universe is Mind, Buddha is Mind, the fundamental quality of time is Mental.
When assembled forces of the old order by old-time instruments can not stop the advance of global anarchy values \u200b\u200band social systems, it is necessary to establish human radical new models of social reconstruction and regeneration of the biosphere. To be successful, such models should revolve around new standards of time represented by the Peace Calendar Moon/28-day Thirteen. Recognizing that this schedule is itself a fact of nature and function of the Law of Time, The Planet Art Network (PAN) is a new model for the benefit and social reconstruction of all humanity and the regeneration of the biosphere . Planetary Art Network supports and promotes the goals of the Global Peace Plan by Change the Thirteen Moon Calendar as a series of long-term visions, understanding, humanity will attend in his attempt to reach a state of harmony for the road to 2012. Under this consideration, the Planet Art Network extends to all sectors of humanity, regardless of race, color, creed, ideology or economic levels, understanding that all human beings possess a spiritual equal and are synchronized by the same time universal. Striving to develop the most compassionate goals for a universal understanding of the truth, the Planet Art Network is ready to establish a whole new era in the history of mankind - the arrival of the noosphere. The universal truth that the Red Planet Art adheres is the Law of Time - T (E) = Art, energy factored by time equals art. This formulation of principles, which has always existed in nature, has a single purpose: to raise awareness that has not been conscious to bring an unprecedented alignment of global humanity with itself and with the natural order. Realizing that the instrument to bring the beginning of this major evolutionary shift is Moon/28-day Thirteen Calendar, Planet Art Network is dedicated to the Great Calendar Change of 2004, as projected in all possible ways for new programs that will bring the First World Peace, 2004-2012. Anyone or any group of people who understand and follow the premise and purpose of the Thirteen Moon/28-day Calendar or any of the tools and literature related to Thirteen Moon/28-day Calendar or Time Act shall take responsibility to establish a Node RAP - a branch of the Red Planet Art - or join an existing one. Belong to the RAP is voluntary and all its activities are independent. RAP Each node is responsible for its maintenance system and is self-governed by a council. RAP for a node is considered active, at least 7 members must meet at least once every thirteen days. The day is recommended for meetings Day Crystal (Tone 12, Wavespell) to review past actions and consider the future. The meetings are convened when necessary. Each node will assume its own meeting format. The local RAP nodes are also organized by the Council RAP. RAP is something that is evolving and renewing itself. It is our future. Planet Art Network is sponsored by the Foundation for the Law of Time, a non-centralized, charitable, scientific, literary and educational for the study and promotion of the Law of Time, based on the calendar Lunas/28días Thirteen, and World Peace Plan for Change Calendar Moon/28-day Thirteen. To achieve all goals and future strategies of the Planet Art Network, the Foundation needs your support.
Principles and Operating Procedures Planet Art Network (PAN)
Dear Kin Planetarium:
The purpose of the schedule change is to bring harmony to the planet. Crystal Day is the day of each wave delighted when they plan to meet as planetary kin committed to changing the calendar. To understand that harmony is the same day glazing should be based on a model of harmony, to agree with the calendar change. When you attend a meeting of Glass has agreed to join the calendar change movement. As planetary kin respect Kin Law, which states that equality in all kin have equal power and place, all kin loyalty accepts its galactic signature as his new identity, and autonomy, each planetary kin are entirely responsible for his own mind and actions . When you enter a meeting of glass should be aware of leaving the past behind. Use your galactic signature as your name, recognizes the synchronic order of the day and agree that the facilitator of the day crystal is a member of the family that day ground glass. The principle of governance within the glass meeting is to agree to agree and work together to resolve any misunderstanding. Keeping the goal of calendar change, we are simply trying to support each other and to avoid duplication of efforts. In other words, there is much work to do with each kin maintaining the same potential to do a good job. As planetary kin all need to be recognized, loved and loving others. It's a good idea to listen first before speaking. Since there is no absolutely required for a crystal day meeting invite to a variety of PAN nodes. Personality conflicts drained the whole and leaves no room for growth. Creativity is the key. Our focus should be outward to those who have not heard about the calendar change. If you're in a group where you can not get to agree separate you should choose and form a new node PAN. In light of these principles is good to keep your node PAN small enough to facilitate good communication. A recommended amount for a meeting 13 or 20 glass is kin to commit to go every day glass. Once your PAN node is functioning properly, the next step is to replicate the process to form new nodes. PAN visualize a node in each neighborhood. If you learned about the calendar change feel confident that you can teach others what you know. The time for big celebrations PAN are the solstice, the equinox and the Day Out of Time. This is the time to capture much attention to the peace movement by connecting to the media, local government and diverse groups committed to peace. The Foundation for the Law of Time and is the global coordinating body to synchronize all nodes in a PAN Peace Movement Calendar Change coherent. As the center of the mandala, the Foundation depends on your feedback to be effective. PAN node are forming councils to ensure that education is organized according to the synchronic order. Only through sharing and cooperation can break the spell Gregorian competition. Banner
Symbol Of Peace
The sign of the triad can be found worldwide with a variety of meanings. Some interpret it as a symbol past, present and future, surrounded by the circle of Eternity, others believe that refers to religion, science and art, grouped in the circle of Culture. But whatever the interpretation, the sign itself has some universal characteristics are broadly representative. The oldest of Indian symbols, Chintamani, the sign of happiness, consists of this symbol and you can find in the Temple of Heaven in Beijing. Appears in the Three Treasures of Tibet, on the breastplate of Christ in the famous painting by Memling, in Our Lady of Strasbourg, on the shields of the Crusaders and coat of arms of the Templars. It can be seen in the leaves of the famous Caucasian swords known as "Gurda." Appears as a symbol in a variety of philosophical systems. Can be found in the images of Gessar Jyepo Khan and Rigden, in the "Tamga" Tamerlane and the coat of arms of the Popes. It can be seen in the works of the ancient English painters and of Titian, in the ancient icon of St. Nicholas in Bari and in that of St. Sergius and the Holy Trinity. Can be found on the coat of arms of the city of Samarkand, Ethiopian and Coptic antiquities in the mountains of Mongolia, on Tibetan rings, ornaments on the breastplates of Lahul, Ladakh and in all countries of the Himalayas, and Neolithic pottery. It is striking about the banners Buddhists. The same sign is printed in Mongolian horses. Nothing, then, might be more appropriate to unite all the races that this symbol, which is not mere decoration but a sign that bears a great significance. Has existed for indefinite periods and can be found throughout the world. Therefore nobody can pretend that belong to any sect, denomination or tradition, represents the evolution of consciousness in all its varied facets. When it comes to defending the world's treasures, you could not pick a better symbol, since it is universal, dating indecipherable, and carries a meaning that must echo in every heart.
"Where there is peace there is culture - where there is culture, there is Peace."
- Nicholas Roerich (1874-1947)
Node Mazatlan Cosmic Serpent
Node Banderas Bay, Jalisco Resonant Serpent @ chasobel
Node 13 Moon Cosmic Sun Monterrey Cancun Mayapán
Node Earth Toned
Atlixco Night Auto Existing Node Cabo San Lucas
Aguila Node Lunar Node
Tulum airemojado Cosmic Storm @
Mayapán Maya RAPcancun Mayapán Red Planet Art And AC
Palenque Av. Efrain Calderon Lara No. 25 Sm 26 Mz 37 Colonia Centro, Cancun, Qroo, Mexico 77500 Tel (998) 884 3953,,
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